For several years now Cryoskin Paris has devoted itself to a single profession, beauty. A profession rich in meaning, because it allows everyone to express their personality, gain self-confidence and open up to others. As we specify each year our goal is to manufacture equipment, furniture, consumables and distribute everything you need in your business at a lower cost.
We have given ourselves a mission to offer all women and men the best of aesthetics by respecting different criteria, quality, efficiency, design and the best value for money.
CRYOSKIN PARIS, a simplified joint-stock company, has been in business for 1 year.
Located in BOISSY L’AILLERIE (95650), it specializes in the retail trade of medical and Beauty devices.
Laurent CHEVALIER, is president of the company CRYOSKIN PARIS and Cédric BLANC CEO.
Cryoskin Paris is part of the prodesignplus group and is in charge of international business
Cryoskin Paris: Registered RCS le 06-12-2018 – INSEE le 30-11-2018
SIREN NUMBER – 844 386 805 SIRET HEADQUARTER NUMBER 84438680500015
Joint stock company
N° TVA Intra : FR92 844386805
Phone number: 0033677626841 –
Cryoskin Paris does not authorize Internet users to electronically copy and print on paper documents and / or elements contained in this site regardless of the intended use. No license or right other than that of consulting the site is conferred on anyone with regard to intellectual property rights.
The title, design, form, content (brands, texts, organization of colors, illustrations, photographs and images) of the site, its general architecture and presentation, but also any software, software compilation , source code, and more generally, all the information or documents contained in the site as well as all the elements created for this site are either the property of Cryoskin Paris or of its subsidiaries or of its parent company, or are subject to rights of use, reproduction and representation granted for the benefit of the latter.
The site constitutes a work protected in France by the Intellectual Property Code, and abroad by the international conventions in force on copyright. The violation of one of the copyright of the work is an infringement offense punishable by articles L.331-1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property, without prejudice to the penalties provided for in the event of violation of the law. French n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified relating to data processing, files and freedoms. The entire content of this website – including text, images, graphic presentations and / or audiovisual files – is – unless otherwise stated – is protected by law and may not be sold, modified, broadcast, reused , repositioned, exploited, represented, reproduced or used, in whole or in part, in any way whatsoever for public or commercial use, whatever the medium, without the prior written authorization of Cryoskin Paris.
In the event of prior and express authorization given by Cryoskin Paris, the authorized reproduction of the information contained on this site must indicate the source and the appropriate mention of ownership.
Unless otherwise stated, the company names, logos, products, brands and all the distinctive signs mentioned on this site are the property of Cryoskin Paris or its subsidiaries or its parent company.
This website is not intended to provide medical and / or paramedical advice. All the information presented on the site is purely indicative.
The information provided on this site relating to slimming, health or hygiene of life is presented for information and general purposes. This information should not be considered exhaustive.
The information contained on this site cannot be considered as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis and more generally, any consultation and prescription issued by a doctor.
Any dispute relating to this website and the conditions of use will be brought exclusively before the competent courts in the jurisdiction of which the head office of Cryoskin Paris is located.