A few days ago, I was able to test an ultra effective slimming technique at the Mundoya Institute near Paris: cryotherapy! It doesn’t hurt and yet you lose centimeters where you want. And you can see the results from the first session.
What Is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is a cold treatment technique that consists in lowering the skin temperature. The cold then helps to reduce the vessels. This technique is commonly used to reduce muscular pain and the size of hematomas for example.
We already know some uses of cold to treat certain problems:
Cold bombs are used by athletes to reduce pain
Nitrogen is used to burn warts Cryotherapy cabins
are also used by high level players to help them recover (cycling, soccer etc …)
Recently, cryotherapy has also been used as part of a slimming program . Some users spend some time in specially adapted chambers to help slim down.
How Is Cryotherapy Practiced?
I’m not talking about diving into cold baths or spending a few minutes in cryotherapy booths, but rather about very localized applications.
To benefit from this technique, the Mundoya beauty salon of which I am an ambassador uses a professional device, the Cryoskin® device.
Applied to the chosen area (between 15 and 20 cm), the beautician follow the following method:
The first step is to raise the temperature of the chosen area to 40°C.
The temperature of this same area will then be lowered sharply until it reaches negative levels.
The strong thermal variation of the area will then eliminate part of the adipocytes; the cells that store fat. Some of them will be eliminated during the session, and the rest will be gradually eliminated by natural means during the 15 days following the session.
A session lasts about 30/44 minutes per area. To allow the body to do its work of elimination, you must respect a period of 15 days between each session, even if you change the treated area.
Precautions and Good Habits to Be Avoided in Case of Digestive or Renal System Disease
This is the basic technique, but be careful, this technique is not to be taken lightly and must be practiced by serious professionals.
You will have understood that when we use this technique to lose weight, the system will do most of the work, but our body is called upon to evacuate toxins and fat cells.
If you have a disease that weakens one of these systems, you should avoid using cryotherapy, as it could do more harm than good.
Helping Your Body
Once again, our body is put to work during the 15 days following each session, so it is important to take it easy and to respect the 15 days between each session.
To have good results and to help your body eliminate fat cells, you must not eat sugar for two hours after each session. Sugar promotes the storage of fat, so it would eliminate all the work done during the session.
Drinking abundantly is also recommended, always to promote the elimination of toxins
To optimize the result even more, apply a slimming cream and adopt a healthy diet.
My Cryotherapy Experience At Mundoya
So here I am, off to try a cryotherapy session!
I already know that everyone at Mundoya is adorable! I arrived with confidence to test this new slimming technique. But beyond the kindness of each one, the welcome of the clients and the confidence building are essential for me.
If you followed me on Instagram the day of my trial, I was curious to discover cryotherapy but a little apprehensive all the same.
I was greeted by Marie who set me up in one of the cabins at the Mundoya center. We started by talking a bit to get to know cryotherapy; how it works, the expected effects as well as the course of the session.
How Does Cryotherapy Work?
Before starting, I also answered a questionnaire before the session. A series of questions to verify that I was not concerned by one of the possible contra-indications of which I spoke to you above.
Phew, I’m not concerned!
So I chose to test cryotherapy on what I call « my pregnancy bulge ». A real unsightly bulge located at the bottom of my belly and because of which I am often uncomfortable.
Comfortably installed and lying down, I was in the hands of Marie, who proceeded to take measurements to be able to see the results at the end of the session.
These results are variable from one person to another, each one being different, but generally one notices from 2 to 5 cm of loss on the chosen zone, per session.
Does Cryotherapy Hurt?
Marie then applied the device to the chosen area and heated my skin to 40°C. I did not feel any pain, on the contrary. A soft sensation of heat was then diffused on my skin.
After this first application of heat and for about twenty minutes, Marie then lowered the temperature of the skin while massaging the area strongly. A sort of simultaneous palpation-roll to promote the bursting of fat cells.
My skin was then anesthetized by the cold, but very locally, without being painful. The palpe-roulé is not pleasant in itself, nor is it unpleasant, and once again, as my skin was half anaesthetized by the cold, it was absolutely not painful.
In addition, during the whole session I chatted with Marie, so my attention was focused on our conversation rather than on the manipulation in progress.
Marie had already told me that, but here I am reassured that cryotherapy is not a painful technique. And I was able to see that for myself.
After the session, Marie applied a slimming cream to perfect the result and then took measurements again.
Bingo! This first 20-minute session just made me lose 3 cm. The rest of the work will be done by my own body over the next 15 days.
Before going home, Marie gives me some additional advice with as much gentleness as during the session ( thank you Marie ).
My Opinion About Cryotherapy
I am both reassured and delighted by my cryotherapy session. I was very well taken care of at Mundoya. Marie’s warm welcome and professionalism were very helpful, thank you!
I didn’t feel pain once and the result was immediately measurable. Obviously, to have even better results, a course of several sessions is necessary; I am seriously thinking about it, given the significant results obtained from the first session.
If you are also tempted by cryotherapy, I can only recommend you to test Cryoskin Cryoslim treatment.
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